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post-partum joint pains

Joint Pain After Delivery

Jul 8, 2016 | Mother And Infant | 0 comments

Post-partum Joint pains (Causes & Remedies)

Even though not all the new moms goes through a  severe phase of joint pain light aches and pains are quite common post-partum. But when it exceeds a limit along with other bodily discomforts, altered life style and irregular sleeping patterns these pains will make the new moms really upset and depressed.

Why these joint pains:
  • The main culprit is the hormone relaxin which is produced by the body to ease the delivery by relaxing ligaments associated with joints. Even though the target area is the pelvis as the hormone is present in the body it causes laxity of other joints as well and it ends up in joint pain.
  • Another reason for the joint pain is stress and strain on the joints due to repetitive movements to pick the baby, to take care of his/her chores, to feed the baby etc.
    Adequate rest is mandatory for a new mom as your body has to recover from a miraculous yet a stress full era of past 9 months.
  • Uric acid accumulations are also some times noted post-partum due to altered metabolism and due to usage of some medicines.
  • Fibro myalgia and carpel tonnel syndromes are also responsible for postpartum joint pains.
  • Altered calcium and Vit D levels in the body


What can be done???
  • If your pain is due to elevated levels of relaxin we have to wait for a couple of weeks so that the level will be back to normalcy and your pain will vanish by itself.
  • As mentioned earlier adequate rest is of extreme importance to new moms. Don’t compromise on that and don’t hesitate to ask for help from your family members.
  • If gout or uric acid accumulation is there then we should start with appropriate medications
  • Don’t skip your calcium tablets


Ayurveda for post-partum joint pains:

  • Dasamoolarishtam 20 ml twice daily after food
  • Soak Methi in water over night, strain it and have it in the morning
  • Oil massage with Dhanwantharam tailam and Karpooradi tailam
  • Dhanwantharam kashayam twice daily
  • Fry shallots, garlic in gingely oil and little ghee, add cooked rice, turmeric powder and little salt to taste, sauté it and have it atleast once daily.


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