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Massage for post natal women

Sep 12, 2016 | Mother And Infant, Postpartum, Pregnancy | 0 comments

Massage is a therapeutic way of relieving the aches and pains by doing gentle strokes in a rhythm in many postures. The pressure applied and the rhythm varies from person to person. I t is very important to relieve the stress in the new moms. We use customized oil for individual moms according to the condition of the women. A massage followed by a hot water bath or a session of stream will just refresh you to extreme extend.

When to start Post natal massage for women: In case of normal delivery we can start the massage after 4 to 7 days and in case of c session after two weeks time

How the massage is going to help you?

-Helps to relieve pain and spasm in the body: massage set off a series of molecular events in muscles that helped reverse discomfort related to exertion. Massage hampers the activity of proteins known as inflammatory cytokines, which cause inflammation and pain. It also increased levels of proteins that signal the muscles to produce more mitochondria, the cell structures that produce energy or in other words power house of the cell and help muscles recover from pai and spasm due to strenous activites
– Improves the circulation: Massage facilitates circulation because the pressure created by the massage technique actually moves blood through the congested areas. The release of this same pressure causes new blood to flow in. The squeezing and pulling also flushes lactic acid from the muscles and improves the circulation of the lymph fluid which carries metabolic waste away from muscles and internal organs, resulting in lower blood pressure and improved body function.
-Improves metabolism: During massage the pooled metabolic wastes is carried away from the cells and new raw materials as well as oxygen reaches the cells there by enhancing the metabolism ranging from cellular level to higher levels .
-Improves the quality and radiance of skin: A proper massage helps to remove the layer of dead cells and dirts which clogg your pores on the skin.Your skin can breathe more easily and s the circulation is improved more nutrients reach your skin cells there by enhancing the radiance.
-Discoloration of the skin will be reduced by the massage with appropriate oil: The active ingredients of medicated oil will penetrate through the skin pores and reduces the discoloration
-Relaxation: Skin loves to be pampered and a massage will stimulate the “feel good hormones” so after a session of massage you will feel very much relaxed and relieves the stress
– Cope up with pain: Massage helps you to cope up with the post natal joint pain and back pain.
-Body Toning: Tones up your body by improving the quality of collagen fibers
-Promotes deep breathing: by relaxing the muscles around rib cage and abdomen that take part in respiration. Constricted breathing leads to decreased inhalation and so the oxygen entering the lungs will be less. When the body starts to take shallow short breaths instead of breathing at a natural pace, it is near impossible for one to reach a relaxed state.

What oils can be used for the massage?

Many medicated oils are available for the massage. Some of the oils which we use for mother massage are:

1)Dhanwantharan tailam: It will help relieve the joint pain.
2)Karpooradi tailam: If spasm are more go for karpooradi tailam
3)Prasarnyadi tailam: In case of shoulder pain and neck pain prasarnyadi tailam will work wonders.
4)Nalpamaradi tailam: It will take care of your complexion, reduces the discoloration .
5)Eladi tailam: This helps improve the complexion

Postnatal Massage for New Mom from the comfort of your home!
Our post pregnancy massage services are specially created to help mothers take the benefit of this very valuable practice. This is delivered at the convenience of your home by trained therapists who are supervised by a professional management.
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